why coaching is so effective

Our culture values productivity and equates it with motion. And so we work harder and faster to create impact.

But something is lost in this process. We find it hard to schedule “clear space” to think, to strategize, to learn, or to imagine a better way of doing our work. We may even believe it wasteful to stop producing, even for an hour, to consider fresh ideas on recurring problems.

I’ve seen coaching:

  • Invite inquiry, curiosity, and reflection that awakens new energy and finds fresh solutions to challenges.

  • Create more alignment and elevate impact.

  • Provide a rhythm of goal setting and accountability that accelerates professional and personal growth.

  • Bring clarity about one’s gifts, leadership style, and what is standing in your way of reaching one’s goals.

  • Change the way a person shows up.

Having someone with experience in your field coach you on this journey can be the catalyst to the transformation you have yearned for but been unable to achieve on your own.

Sometimes we need someone else to see in us what we cannot see.”
— DeLona Lang Bell