10 Questions to Ask Yourself for the New Year

 Our Year in 17-seconds (video above)

Sometimes the best way to shape the future is to look back.

Because wisdom blooms in reflection.

Ever noticed that as we take time to retrace the pattern of our lives, we begin to see things more clearly? What worked? What stood in the way of things working?

We begin to think about the future more clearly, having learned from our past.

I’m not against New Year’s Resolutions, but this year, maybe it’s time to add some Old Year’s Reflections.

Game? Then here’s a list of 10 questions to help prompt this mental journey.

  1. Where did I grow most this year—and why?

  2. What one thing must I focus on to improve my life? My work?

  3. What do I wish I were doing more of?

  4. Are there places in my life that would benefit from clearer boundaries?

  5. Can I take steps to cultivate more courage?

  6. Are my personal values driving my decisions in work and in life?

  7. What does my calendar and bank account tell me about my priorities?

  8. What passion always appears in my life, begging for more attention?

  9. What habits do I need to cultivate to reach my goals?

  10. What stories am I telling myself that are helping me grow—or keeping me from growing?

Listen to your life, and see where it wants to go.

Here’s hoping 2024 will be your best year ever!

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